基礎烘焙D班 (環球麵包)



Medium of Instruction: 粵語

This course is designed for those who are passionate about baking and want to learn how to make international and healthy bread at home. In addition to learning traditional bread-making techniques, this course will also focus on healthy baking methods to enhance their nutritional value. 


Chef Jennifer

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「中級頭盤、主菜修讀證明書」(出席率需達 75%或以上) 證書需要3個月內頒發。



Schedules & Registration


  • 第一課
    • Golden Germ Birthday Bread
  • 第二課
    • Custard Orange Cinnamon Roll
  • 第三課
    • Fourgasse
  • 第四課
    • Wheat Ear with Sausage
  • 第五課
    • Japanese Curry Bread
  • 第六課
    • Yogurt Toast Bread
  • 第七課
    • Little Paris (Vietnam) with Niçoise Salad
  • 第八課
    • Earl Grey Chicken Submarine



Kindly pay the initial deposit for the course as well as prepare the following items:

  1. 廚師制服按金合共$402 以現金繳付 (廚師外套 - $300、圍裙 -$50、隔熱布 -$30 ,羹叉($10,毋須歸還) 和廚師帽 - $12; 不可退還)
  2. 兩條全新清潔廚布$12 
  3. 6” cake mould – $30
  4. Cake box $12
What payment methods do you accept?

Valid payment methods and their instructions can be found 在此.

What is your policy on make up classes?

Make-up classes are allowed but are subject to: prior approval, validity of proof of absence and availability. In addition, make-up classes do not count as attendances.

Are there additional charges?

Miscellaneous charges can be found 在此.


您可以 在此 or click on the link below to begin enrollment.

所有課程內容、評估和教學安排,學院擁有最終決定權。如有疑問請,請隨時 聯絡我們.